VAEs are a type of generative model that learn a compressed representation of input images, known as a latent space, to generate new images with diverse styles and characteristics. The latent space is a lower-dimensional representation of the input data, which captures the most important features and patterns in the data.

How VAEs Work

  1. Encoder: The encoder takes an input image and maps it to a latent space, which is a probabilistic representation of the input data.
  2. Latent Space: The latent space is a lower-dimensional representation of the input data, which captures the most important features and patterns in the data.
  3. Decoder: The decoder takes a sample from the latent space and maps it back to the original input space, generating a new image.

Key Benefits of VAEs

Real-World Applications of VAEs

Comparison to Other Generative Models

VAEs GANs Autoregressive Models
Image Quality High High High
Diversity High High Low
Training Complexity Medium High Low
Inference Complexity Low High Medium

VAEs offer a good balance between image quality, diversity, and training complexity, making them a popular choice for many applications.

Future Research Directions